
Prove Identity Network®

The Prove Identity Network® is Prove’s identity intelligence layer that empowers us to deliver the market-leading pass-rates with the least friction.

Oliver Snell

Slack : osnell

The Identity Landscape of Today



  • Individuals, on average, have 100-150 online credentials, all verified to different levels at different brands.


Plagued by Fraud

  • Plagued by fraud: despite the endless authentications and verifications that the customer must endure, rate of fraud continue to rise.  Contributing factors to the rise in fraud include poor password hygiene, the frequency of data breaches, and the continued digitization of our world.


Full of Friction

  • Full of friction: surfing the web is no longer an enjoyable experience. Tired of constantly proving their identity, customers often drop out of onboarding experiences prematurely.

The Identity Landscape of Tomorrow



  • In the future, there will be one digital identity per person rather than one digital identity per website.


Fraud Becomes Unscalable

  • By relying on encryptions (found in SIM Cards) rather than easy-to-steal passwords as a source-of-truth, rates of fraud will decrease.



  • Consumers will spend less time authenticating and more time enjoying the web.

What is PIN?

  • Identity Graph:
    Definition: A database that creates linkages between all identifiers that are associated with an individual. Usage: Prove’s Identity Graph (PIN) drives iteratively better answers to who is represented by a PIT using real-world associations such as phone number, IP and email address.

  • The Prove Identity Network® (PIN) is Prove’s own powerful identity graph; a collection of data and algorithms that enable our solutions to deliver industry leading value.

  • Each of Prove’s solutions are already driven by the data in PIN and as PIN evolves our solutions will become even more intelligent and powerful.

  • PIN will allow us to bring new use cases to market while expanding our margins and commoditizing competitors.

Token Census

PIN will allow us to bring new use cases to market while expanding our margins and commoditizing competitors.

What is PIT?

  • Central to PIN is our persistent consumer identity token called the Phone Identity Token (PIT).

  • Every single consumer has a unique PIT attributed to them, which links a phone and KYC-identity together.

How can a relying party use the PIT?

In order to access the information linked to a PIT (attributes), the relying party (Prove’s clients) must present one of the keys (i.e phone number, email address, etc.)

Assurance Level, Trust Score® and Proven Tenure

Every time a consumer uses their token to authenticate themselves, it drives behavioral intelligence into PIN that is used to build a real-time view of the token, its keys and attributes.
This intelligence manifests itself to our clients as an Assurance Level, Trust Score® and Proven Tenure.

How is PIN Differentiated in the Market?

  • Unmatched historical behavior data
    Prove’s tokens come with rich historical activity signals that allow us to measure real-time behavioral risk, allowing customers to make the most accurate security decisions possible.

  • The most accurate consumer identity tokens
    Prove’s tokens are the most accurate digital identifiers for consumers; they were created with powerful algorithms designed to thwart the six major categories of identity fraud, including synthetic identities and true name fraud.

  • Only consented and authenticated data is included
    Prove’s tokens come with rich historical activity signals that allow us to measure real-time behavioral risk, allowing customers to make the most accurate security decisions possible.

  • Durable and omni-channel
    Prove’s tokens persist through lifecycle events, reducing the need to re-enroll when consumers get new phones and preventing socially engineered account takeovers.

  • Attributes only become associated when accessed using a strong key
    Prove’s tokens are the root of a powerful identity graph that bind verified attributes such as national identifiers, Date of Birth, email addresses, IP Addresses, shopping preferences etc.

  • Real-time behavior drives intelligence
    Prove’s tokens self-learn through authentication events which advances Assurance Levels and Proven Tenures, bolstering the efficacy of our network with each transaction.

  • Consumers control where and when their tokens are used
    Prove will offer consumers control over their own tokens, allowing them to revoke all consent; choose to only assert their personhood, age, or other verified attributes; or decide to have Prove manage their tokens to secure their digital transactions and remove friction everywhere Prove is accepted.

How is PIN Differentiated in the Market?


  • When a consumer goes through a Prove Pre-Fill® flow they are in fact presenting their Prove Identity Token (PIT), located using their phone number and last four digits of their SSN (or DOB).

    This possession check is the key step that captures consumer consent to present their token to the brand in order to complete the application.


  • A consumer being sent through Prove Identity is verifying themselves against the attributes present on their Phone Identity Token (PIT) in PIN. We look up the PIT using the phone number and asserted PII and use the match results and associated real-time behavior signals to help determine the consumer experience.
